The Master Herbalist Certification Seminar is the capstone of the Master Herbalist Program. Those students who have completed all of the courses in the Master Herbalist Program qualify to attend this seminar. The seminar consists of a week full of learning with fellow graduate candidates, time in the beautiful Utah mountains, and guest lecturers that provide additional information on topics ranging from Practicum to Botany and many more.
Tuition for the Master Herbalist Certification Seminar is $1,350. This includes lunch daily but does not include lodging or other meals. A $200 deposit is required to reserve your seat at the seminar. If this deposit is made before March 31, a discount of $100 will be given on tuition, brining the tution price to $1,250. There are a limited number of seats at the seminar. Seminar reservation is not guaranteed until a deposit is made. Registration forms can be requested by contacting the School of Natural Healing staff. All tuition is due one month prior to the start of the seminar.
There are three options to register for the seminar: Pay the initial deposit, Pay in full, or Sign up for a seminar payment plan.
Pay Seminar Deposit

The initial seminar deposit is $200. If paid before March 31 there is a discount of $100 off seminar tuition.

Pay seminar tuition in full

The full tuition price is $1,350.

Sign up for seminar payment plan

Seminar payment plans break down the tuition of the seminar into monthly payments. The early discount is applied to payment plans

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