Advanced Herbalist Program

This program dives more in depth into the use of herbs and why they work the way they do. Learn advanced concepts in botany, phytochemistry, pharmacognosy, formulation, and anatomy. Understand how herbs react within the body to elecit a specific response, and how to choose herbs to create those responses. Examine the history of herbal medicine more deeply. Teach a class and write a Masters thesis to gain experience in these professional environments as you prepare to be a Master of Herbal Medicine. This program concludes with the Master Herbalist Certification Seminar. After the successful completion of the seminar you will be awarded a certificate.

Courses included in this program

Level 1400

Study Dr. Christopher's formulas and methods in greater detail using two of his best selling books.

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Level 1500

Explore the ancient roots of herbalism and the history behind them

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Level 1600

Use the example of lectures by Richard Schulze to host your own class on vitalism

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Level 1700

Study the anatomy of the human body to better understand why certain therapies work

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Level 1800

Understand botanical terms, methods of keying, and how to identify plant families in this advanced level of botany

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Level 1900

Understand the chemical characteristics of plants by learning how herbs work and how they affect the body from Christopher Hobbs, PhD

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Level 2000

Learn how to be judicious in helping others with the education that you have received

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Level 2100

Choose one herb and write a masters level thesis to demonstrate your understanding of its use

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Level 2200

Explore the supporting role of plants when the human body is faced with disease using principles of pharmacognosy taught by James Duke, Phd

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A packed week full of lectures from masters in their fields and excursions such as an herb walk in the beautiful mountains of Utah

Full Program Correspondence

- Home Study Course
- Course Materials Shipped to Your Home
- All Coursework Submitted & Graded via Mail
- Certificate Awarded Upon Completion

Please review our Enrollment Agreement: here

Full Program Price: $2,700

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Full Program Online

- Home Study Course
- Course Materials Accessed Online
- Textbooks Purchased Seperately
- All Coursework Submitted & Graded Online
- Certificate Awarded Upon Completion

Full Program Price: $1,850

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