Holistic Herbalism

Level 300

This course begins to apply Vitalistic principles to specific ailments. Discussion of womens, mens, and childrens issues helps to expand on the information in Level 100. Examining issues such as cardiovascular disease, childhood diseases, Down syndrome, high blood pressure, cancer, and high-cholesterol help to apply the principles from earlier levels into more serious ailments. Vaccinations and Preganancy are also explored from a Vitalist’s perspective.


- Home Study Course

- Course Materials Shipped to Your Home

- All Coursework Submitted & Graded via Mail

- Certificate Awarded Upon Completion

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Tuition: $325

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- Home Study Course

- Course Materials Accessed Online

- Textbooks Purchased Seperately

- All Coursework Submitted & Graded Online

- Certificate Awarded Upon Completion

Tuition: $325
Discounted price:$250

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